Head Into The Mouth Of The Moon Dragon!

The Moon Dragon is a truly unique home. From the outside, it is hard to tell what the floor plan would even look like. Once inside, it feels spacious and cozy at the same time. The design is similar to the Hobbit style homes. Particularly certain features like the rounded window in the corner. Eclectic shapes mixed with varying shades and textures of wood really shake this house up. Although, I would love to see a home like this decked out for Halloween. Or even, leaning further into the Hobbit theme.
“Oh how the candles will be lit and the wood of worm burn in a fiery dust. For on all Hallows Eve will the spirits come to play, and only the fruit of thy womb will satisfy their endless roaming.”
-Solange Nicole

While staging a home can be frustrating, adding a theme to your home can revitalize it. The thing is, staged homes will always pop out to you when looking. Everything feels purposeful or meaningful to the home. However, a similar feeling can be achieved by changing the theme. It will force you to look at the home with fresh eyes and a new perspective. Not to mention, you may just fall back in love with your home. Consider switching up your home, since there is no better time than the holiday season. Never forget to live your true unapologetic self.
Happy Halloween!
Nothing is scarier than Halloween falling on a Monday night. Many parents will be struggling to real their children in from the fun. It may be difficult to see beyond schedules, but it is rewarding to focus on the joy of the holiday. Seeing the excitement on a child’s face can bring you back to the joy you experienced as a child. Furthermore, if you do not have children, then it is time to enjoy the free time. Enjoy your holidays living out your inner child. From Tiny Home Builders, we hope you have a fun and safe Halloween!
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Beautiful! !!!