It’s Time For An Emergence Of Growth!

January is the month of working on one’s self. Everyone sees the gyms get busier, grocery carts become full of vegetables, etc. The problem is how long this period lasts. The goal for everyone is to make it last year round. Although, it’s easier to conceptualize, not so easy to accomplish. Combating these thoughts are as simple as being kind to yourself. Each fall will lead to another climb but eventually you can get to the top. Be easy on yourself and find that it will be easier to climb again. Creating an emergence of a new you.
“My ideas have undergone a process of emergence by emergency. When they are needed badly enough, they are accepted.”
-R. Buckminster Fuller
The new you will be bold and confident. Why? Well, because you learn to love yourself and that reflects to others around you. It’s easy to get negative when working on self improvement. Remind yourself that everyone has hard days. This small act of self love will make your happy moments even brighter. Others may even start to notice the change in you. Who knew such a subtle change could have such an impact. Rejoice in your growth and welcome those who see it. Another year will fly by.

2023 Vision Board!
Although the year has begun, it is not too late to start a vision board. Take this month to reflect on particular goals and dreams you hope to accomplish in this year. The visual reminder will help keep you focused on the goal at hand. Remember to look at your life as a whole. No part of your life should be neglected and the vision board should reflect that. Not to mention, a vision board can be as simple as pictures or text glued onto a board. You may be surprised at the end of the year how much has come to life.
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