Enjoy New Beginnings In The Phoenix!

What makes a Phoenix so beautiful? Is it the rebirth, or just because it is a beautiful bird? Really it’s both. Consider if it is time in your life for something new. It may not be a new home, but it can be! We grow attached to our homes over time because we spend most of our free time there. Time spent making memories. It is when you stop making memories, and you are more stuck in a rut, that you may want to move on. Maybe this is your sign.
“How can you rise, if you have not burned”
-Hiba Fatima Ahmad

Consecutively, this home is just as beautiful as the bird. So much so, that it may motivate you to make some changes. Since moving is a drastic change, there are other ways to feel fulfilled. Some may even say a home should not bring you fulfillment, but I think they are wrong. Homes should be a place of ultimate comfort. If you do not feel this way then find ways to make your home more of your personal shelter. Ultimately because only you know how to best take care of yourself. Find those ways you relax and enhance them in your day to day life.
What About Selling?
If you already have a home, then you would need to sell before you can buy. For many, this is where they lose interest in moving. Moving is not necessarily fun, but it gives a chance for your own rebirth. The best way to sell a home is to remember the joy it brought when you first moved in. Remember what you enjoyed and see what has changed. Looking at your home through a new perspective may even change your mind about your home entirely. It is always a big decision but life is full of them and really it’s all up to how much you want it.
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