Break Your Cycle With The Carriage Haus!

As humans we all have cycles. Positive and negative ones. The key to embracing your positive cycles is to break the negative ones. Living in a tiny home will force you to break your negative cycles. Why? Well, there is no space for nonsense in a tiny home. Logistically, that makes sense when it comes to things but I am also speaking in terms of your mind. Getting back to the basics of living is one way to break certain negative cycles. The Carriage Haus is a perfect example of a home that has space for the basics but no nonsense.
“We repeat what we don’t repair.”
–Mary Beth Keane

Nonsense may seem like a funny word to use when it comes to space in homes. However, that exactly what those stressers are. Things like, extra dishes that we use but want to avoid. Items that we hold no value to but choose to keep out of obligation. Over buying food to have it go bad and then feel guilty about it. We have all done these things and yet they take up the most space in our brain. The Carriage Haus has storage for your things; but every item should have a home.
Luxury does not end where simplicity begins. Instead living simple allows you to feel more free and thus more luxurious. Not to mention, the Carriage Haus has a beautiful modern design that will add to your feeling of luxury. If you want to break your negative cycles then living tiny is the best way to do it. The weight of material things and daily life will lift off your shoulders. Walk into this home and reset your mind and your cycles.
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