Tiny House Envy



A willow tree has long thing roots that stretch wide in the search for water. Find your roots in this home and allow yourself to branch out to be the person you want to be. Allow this cozy home to embrace you and take you on a new tiny journey. Regardless of the life change you choose to take the Willow will be there to support you.

This Willow Isn’t Weeping But Rather Flourishing.

Too often I see homes that are filled with white paneling. Although white makes the home look crisp and clean, I love the choice of green in the Willow. The color green has its own meaning of growth, renewal and peacefulness. You should consider greatly the color and aesthetic you want in your home. Color gives character to the home and can fulfill what it is you want your home to represent. For instance, if you want to feel passionate about your workspace, paint the room red with inspiring pictures.

“Green is the fresh emblem of well-founded hopes. In blue, the spirit can wander, but in green, it can rest.”

-Mary Webb

Alternatively, this home has more to give then its color. One of my favorite features is that the designers chose to put butcher block in the kitchen. Having butcher block allows your counter space to double in usability. Another way they have increased the efficiency of this home is through the use of storage on the staircase. Leading up to a king sized loft. Then, you have the luxury of having another loft for storage or big enough for another bed. All the while, still having room for a living room and a full sized shower.

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