Tiny House Envy



The Drake Designed By LandArk; Designed Like An RV To Accommodate Those Who Wish To Live Large!

The Drake has a crisp and clean design with varying shades of wood paneling. I love how the black exterior and geometric shape makes this home appear sleek on the outside. All the while, still having lots of interior space. A good contributor to the interior’s size is it’s double loft; lighter colors also allow for space to feel larger. Lank Ark also incorporated many windows to allow fresh sunlight to brighten the home. This home being minimalist is perfect as it allows you to really make it your own. When looking for a home they always say to make sure it “has good bones” and this home certainly does.

“When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure.”

-Peter Marshall

Another fun feature of the Drake is that the ladder is movable so that you can reach storage easily. Keeping the storage high allows for more room on the main floor. An additional room is available under one of the lofts and the lofts are not small either. The master loft can fit a king size mattress and the secondary loft and fit a queen size mattress. There is a wide space available in this home for the kitchen appliances, enabling you to cook with lots of room. Additionally, the glass doors can lead to a beautiful patio area if wanted or to just appreciate the outdoors from your kitchen. Overall, this is just a beautiful home that was designed with care.

I said early a house need good “bones” and part of that is finding what structure it is you’re looking for. Some people may need a master bedroom on the main floor where others may love a double loft. Find what “bones” feel right to you and you may find yourself a perfect match of a home.

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