Tiny House Envy

Cedar Queen

cedar queen

A Queen Wrapped In Cedar!

The initial view of this home is a symmetrical beauty. Immediately, you can tell this home was made by builders innovative with space. The lofts in this home have a slight overhang on both sides; giving more space to live in the Cedar Queen. Additionally, maximizing the space in your tiny home makes the home worth even more. This is because buyers are able to see the full potential of tiny living. Consider how you would feel walking into a cramped tiny home filled with things. Cluttered spaces have a way of making a home feel more like a to do list.

“To sit in solitude, to think in solitude with only the music of the stream and the cedar to break the flow of silence, there lies the value of wilderness.”

-John Muir

On the other hand, open spaces have a way of freeing your mind. Keeping it basic with maintaining order and routine in your home is the first step. The best part about that is that you get to decide. Freedom is an amazing thing but humans are creatures of routine. If you feel anxiety start to creep up, consider if it may be a lack of structure or space. Balance is the obvious key to maintaining your newfound routine. Most of all, remember to be kind to yourself. Doing all these things are not easy but they can be rewarding.

Head Of Royalty

Not every person that sees a tiny home, sees a piece of luxury. Really those are the people that are most luxurious. That is because the things that really matter are allowed to shine. No longer suppressed by material things and desires. Except maybe one material item; your home, of course. However, unlike most in the housing market, you are more likely to pay off your home. Allowing for even more freedom or luxury. Just like being head of household, you will be king or queen in your domain.

Check Out This Home On Our Marketplace!

Listed For $85,000.00
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