Tiny House Envy



Dive Into Living Tiny With The Arcadia!

The tiny house community is going strong. There is constantly new legislature to make living tiny easier. As traditional homes rise in value, so does the appeal of tiny homes. There is a lot of security in the idea of owning a home. Not just in the sense of purchasing one but actually paying it off. Most homes now a days are too expensive to pay off in a short amount of time. Coupled with interest rates make the price tag of a tiny home that much more desirable. Even the Arcadia costs just $87,00.00.

“It’s the wanting to know that makes us matter.”

-Tom Stoppard

So, where is the hesitation? For most, it would be the lifestyle change. Sitting and wondering if the lifestyle is right for you won’t accomplish much however. Living tiny is really about being disciplined in your actions. Start today, by reorganizing, cleaning, and getting rid of items that lack value to you. You will never know if you can successfully live tiny if you never try. Furthermore, you will never know if the lifestyle fits your needs. Every person is different and while committing to a tiny home may be too much, you can always live tinier.

Is Ignorance Bliss?

Maybe it is. Maybe curiosity kills the cat but satisfaction brings it back. Meaning you never know all the great things you can accomplish if you are too scared to explore them. Living tiny is a big lifestyle change and can definitely seem overwhelming at first. Luckily, there are a lot of cats who love to live tiny! Opening yourself up includes opening up to new people. Again, you cannot know what you do not experience. Take this opportunity to explore new places, people and hobbies that you may not have considered. Bliss is fun and temporary but being content is a whole new world.

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